Dreissena polymorpha pallas (1771) population in lake Batorino from the moment of settlement to the present days
In the second half of the 1980 s the actively spreading invasive mollusk Dreissena polymorpha invaded Lake Batorino. The first decades after that the population has been actively spreading, increasing its abundance and biomass. However, after 2002, the population has sharply declined and dreissena became practically absent in benthic samples. Since the lake was a eutrophic one and due to its large catchment area and big number of reclamation channels flowing into the lake, it tends to silt, and the conditions in the lake became not suitable for intensive development of zebra mussel. In addition, the macrophytes, which usually serve as the main substrate for Dreissena in Naroch Lakes, consist of species whose morphological structure is not suitable for the massive attachment of Dreissena individuals to them. Thus, after an active period of population development immediately after the introduction and subsequent recession, the population in the lake is currently extremely small, which is mainly due to the lack of suitable substrate for fixing zebra mussels. Due to the difficulties for the zebra mussel population development under these conditions, nowadays it did not cause significant damage to the native species of large bivalves whose recovery became possible in recent years.
About the Authors
D. KrukBelarus
Kryuk Darya — Junior researcher of the Scientific Research Laboratory of Hydroecology
220045, Minsk, str. Kurchatova, 10
O. Makarevich
Makarevich Oleg — Researcher of the Scientific Research Laboratory of Hydroecology
220045, Minsk, str. Kurchatova, 10
H. Zhukava
Zhukava Hanna — Ph.D (Biology), Associate Professor, Head of the Educational Center “Naroch Biological Station named after G.G. Vinberg”
222395, k.p. Naroch, st. Naberezhnaya, 8
B. Adamovich
Adamovich Boris — Ph.D (Biology), Associate Professor, Head of the Research Laboratory of Hydroecology
220045, Minsk, str. Kurchatova, 10
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For citations:
Kruk D., Makarevich O., Zhukava H., Adamovich B. Dreissena polymorpha pallas (1771) population in lake Batorino from the moment of settlement to the present days. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2022;(38):252-262. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.47612/978-985-880-000000-0-2022-38-252-262