Results of research on increasing the efficiency of white amur planting material production in the Republic of Belarus
The article provides a justification for the need for research aimed at increasing the production efficiency of grass carp planting material and, consequently, increasing its production in the conditions of pond aquaculture in Belarus. A brief analysis of the existing problems in this area is given and the main ways to solve them are identified. Preliminary results of research in the chosen direction are presented, in particular, materials on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of feeding of grass carp juveniles at various stages of cultivation, fish-breeding results obtained during research, data on the biochemical composition of fingerlings with different variants of growing in monoculture at the end of the growing season. A comparative analysis of the results of wintering of the grass carp, grown in various conditions, is also given, in particular, the survival rate, biochemical and physiological indicators of the obtained yearlings of the grass carp are evaluated.
In the course of the research, the prospects of the chosen research direction, as well as the methods used to increase the efficiency of obtaining grass carp seeds and its wintering in the conditions of pond aquaculture of the republic were established. It has been established that the rearing of the larva of the grass carp with the combined use of live and concentrated feeds is an effective method of increasing survival at the initial stages of growing juveniles and provides high production indicators — survival and growth rate. Significant differences have been established in the feeding characteristics of the juvenile grass carp compared with other pond carp fish after an approximately 40-day life period. It has been revealed that zooplankton organisms, which are the target objects for stimulating the development of the pond feeding base, form the basis of feeding of the young grass carp only for 20 (in the case of an undergrown larva) — 35 days of keeping in ponds. During such a period, only manure used in full dose before flooding ponds and used by zooplankton as a carbon source almost directly can give a pronounced effect, the use of mineral fertilizers is ineffective. When growing grass carp in a monoculture, high fish productivity indicators (348–361 kg/ha) were achieved in all variants. In the variants stocked with an undergrown larva, the average individual weight of fingerlings was higher than in the variants with an ungrown one. The survival rate in the variant with an untamed larva was lower. The fingerling obtained from an undergrown larva had, at the trend level, a more favorable biochemical composition for wintering, since it accumulated more nutrients with a higher average individual weight (25,8 g). The yearling obtained from the undergrown larva did not show a noticeable difference with the yearling from the ungrown larva in survival during wintering. Survival rates were 80 and 78 %.
About the Authors
S. N. PanteleyBelarus
Sergey N. Panteley — Ph.D. (Agriculture), Head of the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
V. D. Sennikova
Violetta D. Sennikova — Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
M. N. Isaenko
Marina N. Isaenko — Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
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For citations:
Panteley S.N., Sennikova V.D., Isaenko M.N. Results of research on increasing the efficiency of white amur planting material production in the Republic of Belarus. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2023;(39):235-255. (In Russ.)