The influence of biochemical and hematological parameters on the quality of the planting material of the black amur before wintering
The article presents data on the characteristics of the physiological state of black Amur fingerlings before wintering. To do this, the biochemical composition of the body and hematological parameters of black cupid fingerlings were studied. It was found that basically all the studied indicators of the biochemical composition of the fish body were within the recommended values for winter-hardy fingerlings and were characterized by a low level of variability with coefficients of variation of less than 12.65 %. It was shown that the fingerlings of the black Amur before wintering had an increased protein content in the dry matter, which averaged 13.96 %, with very low variability on this basis — 0.27 %. The moisture and dry matter content in the body of black Amur fingerlings corresponded to the recommended amount of these components before wintering and averaged 73.34 % and 26.66 %, respectively, with a sufficiently low variability of 0.54 % and 1.49 %, respectively. It was found that the hematological parameters of the black Amur fingerlings before wintering were in the age norm, which indicates their satisfactory physiological condition. The average concentration of hemoglobin in black Amur fingerlings was 48.8 g/l, ESR — 4.8 mm/hour, erythrocytes — 0.6 million/ml, leukocytes — 19.4 thousand/ml. In black cupid, the leukogram has a pronounced lymphoid character. The leukocyte formula was dominated by agranulocytes, their average content was 64.8 % characteristic of this age (lymphocytes — 54.3 %, monocytes — 10.5 %, granulocytes — 35.2 %).
About the Authors
S. N. PanteleyBelarus
Sergey N. Panteley — Ph.D. (Agriculture), Head of the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
V. D. Sennikova
Russian Federation
Violetta D. Sennikova — Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
O. N. Martsul
Olga N. Martsul — Ph. D. (Agricultural), Scientific Secretary
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
M. N. Isaenko
Marina N. Isaenko — Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
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For citations:
Panteley S.N., Sennikova V.D., Martsul O.N., Isaenko M.N. The influence of biochemical and hematological parameters on the quality of the planting material of the black amur before wintering. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2023;(39):256-264. (In Russ.)