The impact of pre-spawning conditions of the black cupid on the reproductive characteristics of females
The conditions of pre-spawning maintenance of black Amur producers (hydrochemical regime of water in a warm channel at the place of installation of cages, the level of flow), biotechnology of reproduction of black amur, biological features of reproductive processes and production characteristics were studied. In the department «Beloozersk» of ОJSC «Experimental fish farm «Selets» of the Brest region of the Republic of Belarus, the level of flow, temperature and hydrochemical regime of water in the channel, at the installation site of cages with producers of black amur fully met the fishbreeding requirements. The water flow velocity in the warm discharge channel of the Berezovskaya hydroelectric power plant was at an optimal level and was 0.50 m/sec, the pH of the medium in the pre-spawning period was also at a stable level of 8.10–8.30, the water temperature was in the range of 10–23°C.
The values of permanganate oxidizability 11.70–13.10 mg O/l, carbon dioxide concentrations 2.80–3.00 mg/l, phosphate content 0.02–0.12 mg/l, iron 0.04–0.17 mg/l, nitrites 0.008–0.101 mg/l and ammonium nitrogen 0.01–0.18 mg/l did not exceed the permissible values. The females had rather high production characteristics. The working fecundity was at the level of 214.87–650.3 thousand eggs, which significantly exceeds the norm for a specific weight category. The relative fecundity was quite high from 15.92 to 60.78 thousand eggs, which is a good result, since the average relative fecundity of black Amur females of different generations in the southern regions of Russia in the 5–6 fish breeding zone is from 30 to 70 thousand eggs. Sufficiently high absolute and relative fecundity of females indicate that the conditions of keeping in the pre-spawning period (temperature, chemical composition of water, flow rate) were favorable for the growth of fish and the preparation of producers for spawning.
About the Authors
V. D. SennikovaBelarus
Violetta D. Sennikova — Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
S. N. Panteley
Sergey N. Panteley — Ph.D. (Agriculture), Head of the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
O. N. Martsul
Olga N. Martsul — Ph. D. (Agricultural), Scientific Secretary
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
M. N. Isaenko
Marina N. Isaenko — Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk
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For citations:
Sennikova V.D., Panteley S.N., Martsul O.N., Isaenko M.N. The impact of pre-spawning conditions of the black cupid on the reproductive characteristics of females. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2023;(39):265-278. (In Russ.)