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The pigment indices Е450480 and Е430412 of the autotrophic component of seston and bottom sediments in water bodies and streams of Belarus


The spectrophotometric method of measuring chlorophyll makes it possible, without additional costs, using pigment indices to obtain valuable information on the state of primary producers of the water column and bottom sediments of all types of water bodies, regardless of their trophic status and the state of phytoplankton. Any ecosystem is characterized by a certain pigment background, depending on the presence of plant communities that produce primary production. Changes in pigment characteristics occur interrelatedly and retain their direction in the course of seasonal and long-term succession of producer communities. The determination of spectral indices in water and bottom sediments makes it possible to use them as integral indicators in assessing the ecological state of water bodies in Belarus. The indices for assessing the share of cyanoprokaryotes in the total phytoplankton biomass (Е450480) and the share of pheopigments (Е430412) in total chlorophyll-a are of the greatest value and practical significance. Calculated and tested pigment indices reflecting the state of primary producers: Е450480 and Е430412. A close relationship between the Е450480 index and the proportion of cyanoprokaryotes in the total phytoplankton biomass (r=-0.81) was revealed, on the basis of which a scale was compiled for an approximate assessment of the proportion of cyanoprokaryotes by the value of the Е450480 index. A significant relationship was also observed between the Е430412index and the proportion of pheopigments in total chlorophyll-a (r=-0.78). For each index, the range of fluctuations was calculated depending on the type of water body, and threshold values were determined. Based on the obtained pigment characteristics, a database was compiled for each investigated water body.

About the Author

V. S. Smolskaya
Belarusian State University

Volha S. Smolskaya — Ph.D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology

4, Nezavisimosti Av., 220030, Minsk


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For citations:

Smolskaya V.S. The pigment indices Е450480 and Е430412 of the autotrophic component of seston and bottom sediments in water bodies and streams of Belarus. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2023;(39):327-348. (In Russ.)

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