Influence of a complex of fertilizers application on the development of the fodder base of ponds for growing marketable fish
The article is devoted to study, how does the using of various intensification measures in the fish cultivation influence of on the development of the fodder base of ponds. The zooplankton and zoobenthos species diversity, abundance, biomass and production of in the season were studied, the dominant species, composition of these communities was detected. 4 variants of the experiment to bring in different organic, mineral fertilizers and feed to the experimental ponds were put. As a result, it was found that among the applied methods the most effective and inexpensive for the development of the trophic base of fish ponds was the introduction of complex of organic fertilizers into them — brewer’s grains and residual brewer’s yeast at the rate of 1000 and 50 kg/ha with a limited dose of mineral fertilizers.
About the Authors
O. M. TavrykinaBelarus
Tavrykina Oksana — Ph.D. (Agricultural Sciences), assistant professor, Head of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
A. G. Litvinova
Litvinava Anastasiya — Ph.D. (Biology), Leading Researcher of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
G. P. Voronova
Voronova Galina P. — Ph.D. (Biology), Leading Researcher of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
S. I. Rakach
Rakach Svetlana I. — Researcher of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
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For citations:
Tavrykina O.M., Litvinova A.G., Voronova G.P., Rakach S.I. Influence of a complex of fertilizers application on the development of the fodder base of ponds for growing marketable fish. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2022;(37):249-264. (In Russ.)