Sustainable intensification in freshwater fish farming in Hungary
A great challenge in freshwater aquaculture, especially in pond aquaculture is, how to increase the production without additional impact on the environment and without losing the traditional values of the ponds such as ecological services, water- and landscape management. The application of combined intensive- extensive fish production systems (e.g. "pond in pond"; "fish pond water recycling") can contribute to the development of sustainable intensification. The paper presents the results of the practical application of new systems and technologies in two major pond fish farms ("Aranyponty" Zrt. and "Jászkiséri Halas" Kft.) and an intensive trout farm ("Hoitsy and Rieger" Kft.) in Hungary. The paper also shows how the Hungarian Aquaculture Association assists the development of sustainable intensification of the Hungarian fish production sector.
About the Authors
L. VaradiHungary
G. Borbely
F. Levai
G. Hoitsy
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For citations:
Varadi L., Borbely G., Levai F., Hoitsy G. Sustainable intensification in freshwater fish farming in Hungary. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2015;(31):25-37.