Experimental cultivation of sterlet in combined conditions
The paper provides the results of experimental breeding of sterlet in the combined conditions (ponds - recirculating aquaculture system) for two years.
The process of gametogenesis is analysed. It is shown that some males mature at the age 1+ , ovaries of two-summer-aged females are at the maturity stage II.
About the Authors
E. DanilovaRussian Federation
settlement of Rybnoye, Dmitrovski region, Moscow area.
E. Melchenkov
Russian Federation
settlement of Rybnoye, Dmitrovski region, Moscow area.
1. Волкова О.В., Елецкий Ю.К., 1971. Основы гистологии с гистологической техникой. Изд-во Медицина, г. Москва, 272 с.
2. Ромейс Б., 1954. Микроскопическая техника: пер. с англ. Изд-во Иностранная литература, г. Москва, 718 с.
For citations:
Danilova E., Melchenkov E. Experimental cultivation of sterlet in combined conditions. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2015;(31):77-84. (In Russ.)