Destruction of fish metabolic products in pool facilities
With account of water consumption for breathing and removal of fish metabolic products and the nature of water use the modern pool facilities fall into five types. The niches occupied by microorganisms are studied. There are specified the ratings for use of semisubmersible rotating biological filter.
About the Authors
V. MikheevRussian Federation
settlement of Rybnoe, Moscow area; Moscow.
I. Mikheeva
Russian Federation
settlement of Rybnoe, Moscow area; Moscow.
P. Mikheev
Russian Federation
settlement of Rybnoe, Moscow area; Moscow.
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For citations:
Mikheev V., Mikheeva I., Mikheev P. Destruction of fish metabolic products in pool facilities. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2015;(31):103-109. (In Russ.)