Recycling system for culturing and mullets flatfishes
In developing methods of artificial reproduction mulets (Mugil cephalus; Liza auratus; L. haematocheilus) and flounder (Psetta maeotica Platichthys luscus) fish, it was found that embryos and larvae rearview these species are extremely sensitive to environmental conditions. No less urgent task – to optimize the conditions of the producers mullets and flatfishes in the period of reservation, maintaining before injections aging and maturing. In the development of biotechnology mass reproduction of marine fish, in order to optimize the culture conditions have been developed and put into production two types of industrial recirculation aquaculture systems of different functional purpose: reservations and maintaining before injections producers and for the incubation of eggs and rearing of larvae.
Assessment of the work of the recirculation systems of different designs showed that the most effective was the semi-submersible rig equipped with a rotating disk bacteria bed, which served as the prototype for industrial installations. Developed by design to deliver high performance and reliability of the technology of artificial reproduction mullets and flatfishes in all stages of cultivation.
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For citations:
Shekk P. Recycling system for culturing and mullets flatfishes. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2015;(31):117-126. (In Russ.)