Phenotypical characteristics of junior replacement for Belorussian populations of donaldson trout
At present trout breeding in the Republic of Belarus is at the very first stage of its development. Impregnated roe (“eye” stage) and seed for commercial growing are imported from Russia and Poland. Some portion of the imported stuff is used to form small- size replacement and brood stock for reproduction purposes. Aaccording to Slutzky’s classification (1978) variability level of the studied morphological properties in dependence on variation ration is estimated as a low one (5%) and medium one (up to 20%) which is the evidence of stability of trout population available in the Republic of Belarus.
Generally Belorussian trout populations, although the imported material was intended for commercial breeding, represent quite a valuable genetic pool for further breeding.
About the Authors
S. SventorzhitzkiBelarus
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.
M. Kniga
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.
E. Tarazevich
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.
L. Vashkevich
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.
L. Tentevitskaya
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.
E. Gleb
E. Guk
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For citations:
Sventorzhitzki S., Kniga M., Tarazevich E., Vashkevich L., Tentevitskaya L., Gleb E., Guk E. Phenotypical characteristics of junior replacement for Belorussian populations of donaldson trout. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2015;(31):155-167. (In Russ.)