Efficient method of species identification and detection of sterlet’s hybrids (Acipenser ruthenus L.)
The objective of work is to estimate the efficiency of using microsatellite markers of mitochondrial DNK for identifying species attribute and discovery of sterlet’s hybrids (Acipenser ruthenus L.) grown in fish farms of the Republic of Belarus.
Analysis of D-loop mitochondrial DHK with 41 bions of starlet spawners by means of species specific primers for sterlet (Ruf- length of DNK fragments-190 p.o.) and great sturgeon (Ruf- length of DNK fragments 374 p.o.) showed that the extracted and analyzed spawners’ mitochondrial DNK for 100% belong to sterlet. In PCR with a couple of primers species-specific for great sturgeon, accumulation of PCR product was not observed.
It was ascertained that among the spawners under study no sterlet hybrid forms are found.
Study of mitochondrial DNK represents the efficient method for species identification and detection of hybrids in sterlet spawners stock.
About the Authors
O. KonevaBelarus
220027, Akademicheskaya Street, 27, Minsk.
E. Rovba
220027, Akademicheskaya Street, 27, Minsk.
M. Lesjuk
220027, Akademicheskaya Street, 27, Minsk.
A. Slukvin
220027, Akademicheskaya Street, 27, Minsk.
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For citations:
Koneva O., Rovba E., Lesjuk M., Slukvin A. Efficient method of species identification and detection of sterlet’s hybrids (Acipenser ruthenus L.). Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2015;(31):168-177. (In Russ.)