
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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New trends in eliminating fish distoplasmosis


There is studied the occurrence of fish distoplamosis causative agents with the fish in natural water bodies and fish breeding farms of the republic of Belarus. For the purposes of prevention and treatment of fish distoplasmosis there is designed a new drug – "Diplocide". Elimination of 100% trematode metacercaria Diplostomum in eye lens and vitreous body of fish eyes and also cercaria (free floating parasite stages) after using the drug was observed.

About the Authors

S. Degtjaryk
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

A. Bespaly
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

R. Asadchaya
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

N. Benetskaya,
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

T. Govor
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.


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For citations:

Degtjaryk S., Bespaly A., Asadchaya R., Benetskaya, N., Govor T. New trends in eliminating fish distoplasmosis. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2015;(31):222-233. (In Russ.)

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