
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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Comparative characteristic of fishery properties of two year old families of the first generation of the fourth generation lines for the Belarussian mirror carp


There is provided the characteristic of   mass accumulation and survival indices of two-year-old fish within 18 families of the Ist  generation of two lines of Belarusian mirror carp. On the grounds of  complex evaluation  there were distinguished the families having increased grown rate at the said stage of growing.

About the Authors

E. V. Tarazevich
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

M. V. Kniga
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

L. N. Vashkevich
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

V. B. Sazanov
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

L. S. Tentevitskaya
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

D. A. Mikulevich
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

V. V. Shumak
State University of Polessie



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For citations:

Tarazevich E.V., Kniga M.V., Vashkevich L.N., Sazanov V.B., Tentevitskaya L.S., Mikulevich D.A., Shumak V.V. Comparative characteristic of fishery properties of two year old families of the first generation of the fourth generation lines for the Belarussian mirror carp. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2013;(29):54-63. (In Russ.)

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