There is reviewed the cumulative effect of fish breeding activities on habitat and status of fish fauna of the system incorporating two lakes and outflowing section of the river. There are studied the impact produced by stocking with herbivorous and predatory fishes. It is demonstrated that the influence produced by white amur at the primary link has stimulated some developments and movements in ecosystem in general, including formation of new conditions for fish feeding. The above said as well as stocking with some additional quantity of spike has resulted in some changes in trophic and fishery status of water reservoirs. The volumes of commercial fish stocks in the lakes have decreased although their quality has increased.
About the Authors
V. G. KostousovBelarus
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk
T. Popjnachenko
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk
I. Baran
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk
I. Selivonchik
220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk
B. Adamovich
T. Zhukova
J. Veres
I. Savich
O. Makarevich
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For citations:
Kostousov V.G., Popjnachenko T., Baran I., Selivonchik I., Adamovich B., Zhukova T., Veres J., Savich I., Makarevich O. STUDY OF ECOSYSTEMIC FEEDBACK OF HYDROLOGICAL COMPLEX “LAKE-RIVER” TO FISH BREEDING ACTIVITIES. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2016;(32):169-197. (In Russ.)