
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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Breeding of paddlefish larvae in conditions of sbs "izobelino" incubation workshops


In the conditions of incubatory shop when feeding with a live food for 12 days of growing at water temperature 19-220C body mass of paddlefish tiny fishes increases from 35 mg to 1 g at breeding output 42-47%. Interchange in feeding the tiny fish with animal plankton and compound foodstuff, for next 10 days of breeding at seeding density 500-600 pcs/m3  ensures obtaining four kilo tiny fishes from 1 kilo tiny fish with feeding output 76-82%.

About the Authors

V. Y. Аgeyets
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

S. I. Dokuchayeva
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

V. D. Sennikova
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

A. Y. Kruk
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.

M. S. Sharay
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.


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For citations:

Аgeyets V.Y., Dokuchayeva S.I., Sennikova V.D., Kruk A.Y., Sharay M.S. Breeding of paddlefish larvae in conditions of sbs "izobelino" incubation workshops. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2013;(29):141-156. (In Russ.)

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