
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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Content of sestone and chlorophyll in the rivers of North-West of Belarus


In the course of two year investigation cycle there was estimated the content of seston and chlorophyll in large and small stream flows in North-West of Belarus related to the Baltic Sea basin. There was compared seasonal dynamics of the indicators   studied,   calculated   specific   chlorophyll   content   in   seston   and phytoplankton. Taking into account the data obtained the river Vilia is classified as eutrophic waters whereas other rivers pertain predominantly to mesotrophic stream flows.

About the Authors

H. A. Zhukava
Belarusian State University


O. S. Sulimova
Belarusian State University


B. V. Adamovich
Fish industry institute

220024, Stebеnevа str., 22, Minsk.


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For citations:

Zhukava H.A., Sulimova O.S., Adamovich B.V. Content of sestone and chlorophyll in the rivers of North-West of Belarus. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2013;(29):263-274. (In Russ.)

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