
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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Cherepetsky carp underyearlings fishery characteristics


The article contains the results of breeding underyearlings of Cherepetsky mirror carp imported to Belarus. As a result of underyearlings growth within the six-fold repetition, the optimum stock density of 1 specimen per hectare of the nursery area was determined. The correlation relationship between the major fisheries indicators was determined.

About the Authors

E. V. Tarazevich
RUE “Fish industry institute” RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Belarus for Animal Husbandry”


M. V. Kniga
RUE “Fish industry institute” RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Belarus for Animal Husbandry”


A. P. Semenov
RUE “Fish industry institute” RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Belarus for Animal Husbandry”


L. M. Vashkevich
RUE “Fish industry institute” RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Belarus for Animal Husbandry”


A. P. Us
RUE “Fish industry institute” RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Belarus for Animal Husbandry”


T. Y. Kananovich
RUE “Fish industry institute” RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Belarus for Animal Husbandry”


L. S. Tentevitskaya
RUE “Fish industry institute” RUE “Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Belarus for Animal Husbandry”



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For citations:

Tarazevich E.V., Kniga M.V., Semenov A.P., Vashkevich L.M., Us A.P., Kananovich T.Y., Tentevitskaya L.S. Cherepetsky carp underyearlings fishery characteristics. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2012;(28):22-29. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2218-7456 (Print)