
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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Seasonal population dynamics and zooplankton distribution in littoral and profundal small eutrophic lake complexes


Some features of the biomass dynamics and zooplankton communities spatial structuring of two small eutrophic lakes are examined in this article.

About the Authors

V. G. Kostousov
RUE “Fish Industry Institute” of the RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry”


T. I. Popinachenko
RUE “Fish Industry Institute” of the RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry”


I. I. Onoschko
RUE “Fish Industry Institute” of the RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry”


T. L. Baran
RUE “Fish Industry Institute” of the RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry”



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For citations:

Kostousov V.G., Popinachenko T.I., Onoschko I.I., Baran T.L. Seasonal population dynamics and zooplankton distribution in littoral and profundal small eutrophic lake complexes. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2012;(28):222-232. (In Russ.)

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