Problem of conservation of the European eel (anguilla anguilla L.)
The European eel is species of the native fish fauna of Belarus. Natural eel recruitment to the part of its trophic areal in Belarus is significantly limited for reasons outside of country’s control. Maintenance of natural eel population is only possible by means of re-stocking with elvers. The Republic of Belarus guarantees the pass to the transit water courses not less than 40% of migrating eel in accordance with the EU Council Regulation dated 18.09.2007 № 1100/2007. Maintaining a ban on the supply of the stocking material to the Republic of Belarus may result in the fact that the global population of the European eel will lose part of its brood-fishes migrating for spawning from this fishing area.
About the Authors
V. RizevskyBelarus
Akademicheskaya str., 27, 220072 Minsk.
U. Kostousov
Stebеnevа str., 22, 220024 Minsk.
D. Kunitski
Akademicheskaya str., 27, 220072 Minsk.
V. Koltunov
Akademicheskaya str., 27, 220072 Minsk.
A. Poletaev
Akademicheskaya str., 27, 220072 Minsk.
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For citations:
Rizevsky V., Kostousov U., Kunitski D., Koltunov V., Poletaev A. Problem of conservation of the European eel (anguilla anguilla L.). Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2020;(36):170-179. (In Russ.)