Comparative study of quantitative development of phytoplankton, biodiversity and trophic state of the lakes of Sarochanskaya group in the Viliya river basin (Belarus)
An assessment of the quantitative development, biodiversity and equitability of phytoplankton communities in the lakes of Sarochanskaya group in the Viliya river basin has been conducted in spring and summer 2009. A comparative assessment of these indicators is given for the lakes of different depths: shallow, medium-deep and deep. The lakes show a great variety of phytoplankton communities and their polydominance. The level of quantitative development and species diversity of phytoplankton characterize the studied waterbodies as meso- and eutrophic ecosystems with a high self-purification potential providing a sufficiently high water quality.
About the Author
T. MikheevaBelarus
Nezavisimosti Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk.
1. Михеева, Т.М. Таксономический состав фитопланктона Сарочанской группы озер (Беларусь), бассейн реки Вилии / Т.М. Михеева // Вопросы рыбного хозяйства Беларуси: сборник научных трудов / РУП «Институт рыбного хозяйства НАН Беларуси». – 2020. – Вып.37. – С. ХХ.
For citations:
Mikheeva T. Comparative study of quantitative development of phytoplankton, biodiversity and trophic state of the lakes of Sarochanskaya group in the Viliya river basin (Belarus). Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2020;(36):212-234. (In Russ.)