
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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In modern society at the global level, there is the problem of pollution of atmosphere, hydrosphere or lithosphere. It is believed that the contaminating agents are regularly entering the human body, about 70% comes from food, 20% from air and 10% water. The nitrate problem is the problem of modernity. Therefore, the sounding range of issues on the problem of "nitrate", the awareness of them in society, disclosure of the effects of nitrate and nitrite on the processes of vital activity of biological objects should take on a regular basis.

About the Author

E. G. Saraseko
The Gomel branch of the University of Civil Defense of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

Retchitski avenue, 35a, Gomel, Republic of Belarus, 246023


1. Колодец [Электронный ресурс] // ВикипедиЯ. – Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 16.09.2019.

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3. Дроздова, Е. В. Питьевая вода – безопасная и полезная [Электронный ресурс] / Е. В. Дроздова // Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Научно-практический центр гигиены». – Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 16.09.2019.

4. Летальная доза [Электронный ресурс] // Экология: справочник. – Режим доступа: – Дата доступа: 19.09.2019.

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For citations:

Saraseko E.G. WHAT DANGER DOES WELL-WATER HIDE. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2019;(35):209-214. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2218-7456 (Print)