
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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Efficiency of growing commercial fish in ponds using low-cost production techniques


Methods of low-cost production of fish have been studied, including the use of a complex of food production waste (alcohol bard, beer shot, residual brewer’s yeast) together with a limited dose of mineral fertilizers and combined feeding of fish with compound feed, grain and grain waste, allowing, without reducing the production of fish products, to reduce its cost, make it competitive both on the domestic and foreign market. Hydrochemical mearing in investigated variants when using the methods of low-cost production of marketable fish did not exceed critical indications. The combined application of organic fertilizers in the form of alcohol stillage and beer grains together and a limited dose of mineral fertilizers ensured the formation of the largest biomass of phytoplankton, 1,5 times higher than that in comparison with the option with the introduction of only mineral fertilizers. The use of food industry waste products led to the dominance of green algae (57–77 %), rotifers (57,5 %) and copepod on young stage of development (47,1 %). Among the macrozoobenthos in these variants, representatives of chironomids dominated. The use of cheap means of intensification of the natural fodder base and feed in the form of grain and grain waste contributed to the receipt of fish products in control ponds 715,9–807,3 kg/ha, where expensive fertilizers and compound feed are used.

About the Authors

U. Yu. Aheyets
RUE Fish Industry Institute, RUE Scientific and Practical Center, Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry

Aheyets Uladzimir Yu. — D.Sc. (Agriculture), Professor, director.

220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22

О. M. Tavrykina
RUE Fish Industry Institute, RUE Scientific and Practical Center, Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry

Tavrykina Oksana — Ph.D. (Agricultural Sciences), assistant professor, Head of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.

220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22,

G. P. Voronova
RUE Fish Industry Institute, RUE Scientific and Practical Center, Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry

Voronova Galina — Ph.D. (Biology), Leading Researcher of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.

220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22

A. G. Litvinova
RUE Fish Industry Institute, RUE Scientific and Practical Center, Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry

Litvinava Anastasiya — Ph.D. (Biology), Leading Researcher of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.

220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22

S. I. Rakach
RUE Fish Industry Institute, RUE Scientific and Practical Center, Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry

Rakach Svetlana — Researcher of Lab. Hidrobiology and Hidrochemistry.

220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22


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For citations:

Aheyets U.Yu., Tavrykina О.M., Voronova G.P., Litvinova A.G., Rakach S.I. Efficiency of growing commercial fish in ponds using low-cost production techniques. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2022;(37):115-126. (In Russ.)

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