RUE Fish Industry Institute, RUE Scientific and Practical Center, Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry
The article presents the results of a complex of scientific research on the study of physical and chemical properties, chemical composition, organic and mineral parts of solid residues formed during the production of liquid humic preparations based on peat at industrial plants. It is shown that with these by-products from 25 to 35 % of the original peat raw material is lost. Revealed the presence in their composition of a significant amount of activated humic acids and other biologically active compounds of organic and mineral nature, which have a positive effect on the growth and development of living organisms. This was the basis for their study as humate-containing additives in pond fish farming, as a means of expanding the natural food base of fish. With positive results, these humate-containing residues were tested in experimental feeding and nursery ponds. A method for their application has been developed, which ensures an increase in the fish productivity of ponds and a significant saving of fodder and fertilizers. The technical documentation for their receipt and application has been developed, which allows them to be effectively used in pond fish farming.
About the Authors
S. N. PanteleyBelarus
Panteley Sergey N. — Ph.D. (Agriculture).
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
V. D. Sennikova
Sennikova Violetta D. — senior researcher of the laboratory of pond and industrial fish Farming.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
G. V. Naumova
Naumova Galina V. — Professor, D.Cs (Technical), Chef Researcher.
220114, Minsk, F. Scoriny str., 10
N. A. Zhmakova
Zhmakova Nadezhda A. — Ph.D. (Technical), Leading Researcher.
220114, Minsk, F. Scoriny str., 10
A. A. Makeenko
Makeenko Alexander A. — Graduate Student, Junior Researcher.
220114, Minsk, F. Scoriny str., 10
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For citations:
Panteley S.N., Sennikova V.D., Naumova G.V., Zhmakova N.A., Makeenko A.A. RUE Fish Industry Institute, RUE Scientific and Practical Center, Belarus National Academy of Sciences for Animal Husbandry. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2022;(37):127-145. (In Russ.)