The use of essential oils and treir cjmpositions as an important aspect of greening the technology of growing aquaculture objects
This article presents the characteristics of the properties of plants essential oils, which show the possibility of their use for greening the technology of growing aquaculture objects. It is shown that the qualitative and quantitative composition of essential oils of a fairly large number of representatives of family Labiаtae, fam. Amaryllidaceae and fam. Compositae, whichare grow or are cultivated on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, allow us to consider them as a promising potential source of environmentally friendly substances for the creation of preparations intended for the needs of the fish farming industry of the country. Based on our own data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of essential oils and literature data on their bactericidal activity, a number of the most promising plants in this regard were selected. Based on information about the synergism and antagonism of the components of essential oils, a number of compositions have been created to study the antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Aeromonas and Proteus, which are opportunistic for fish.
About the Authors
U. Yu. AheyetsBelarus
Aheyets Uladzimir Yu. — D.Sc. (Agriculture), Professor, director.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
S. Polaz
Polaz Sviatlana — Ph.D. (in Veterinary Medicine).
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
H. Shutava
Shutava Hanna — Ph.D. (Biological Sciences), Associate professor.
2V Surganova Str., 220012 Minsk
S. Dziahtsiaryk
Dziahtsiaryk Sviatlana — Ph.D. (Biological Sciences), Associate professor.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
Y. Maksimyuk
Maksimyuk Yauheniya — researcher.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
T. Hovar
Hovar Tatsiana — researcher.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
H. Slabodnitskaya
Slabodnitskaya Halina — Ph.D. (Agricultural sciences).
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
V. Martsul
Martsul Volha — Ph.D. (Agricultural sciences), Scientific Secretary.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
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For citations:
Aheyets U.Yu., Polaz S., Shutava H., Dziahtsiaryk S., Maksimyuk Y., Hovar T., Slabodnitskaya H., Martsul V. The use of essential oils and treir cjmpositions as an important aspect of greening the technology of growing aquaculture objects. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2022;(37):158-177. (In Russ.)