Experience of cultivation of the vinegar nematode (Turbatrix aceti) as a starting feed for fry North African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
The data on the cultivation of vinegar nematode (Turbatrix aceti) on different nutrient media and comparative data on the use of vinegar nematode as a feed for the young of the North African catfish is presented in the article. As a result of the research, it has been established that the use of vinegar nematode as a feed for the North African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is also economically feasible. As a result of the research, it has been established that the use of vinegar nematode as a feed for the North African catfish is also economically feasible. The most productive nutrient medium based on oatmeal with the addition of carrot and vitamin preparation “Revit” was determined in the ratio of 10: 3: 0.1. Feed factors for different feeding options were determined with the addition of vinegar nematode and artificial food (value of feeding coefficient was 2,0 units), addition of decapsulated eggs of Artemia and artificial food (2,45 units), and only artificial food (2,3 units).
About the Authors
N. B. BulavinaKazakhstan
89А Suyunbay avenue, 050016, Almaty.
S. K. Koishybayeva
89А Suyunbay avenue, 050016, Almaty.
E. V. Fedorov
89А Suyunbay avenue, 050016, Almaty.
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For citations:
Bulavina N.B., Koishybayeva S.K., Fedorov E.V. Experience of cultivation of the vinegar nematode (Turbatrix aceti) as a starting feed for fry North African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2018;(34):167-176. (In Russ.)