Phytoplankton of recreation and urban water waters in Minsk
The composition and quantitative development of phytoplankton in the system of urban and recreational water bodies in Minsk is considered. It was found that the species diversity is represented by 45 taxa of algae belonging to 6 divisions. The most abundant are diatoms, green and blue-green algae, others are noted by 1–3 taxa. The biodiversity of forms in individual observation sections ranged from 5 to 18 species and was determined by hydrological and hydrochemical conditions. The smallest variety of forms was characteristic of intensively «blooming» reservoirs, which indicates that «blooming» is caused by a small number of certain species during the periods of their mass development. In the dynamics of the quantitative development of phytoplankton along the analyzed sections of water bodies of the R. Svisloch maximum indicators are set for the second in the row of water tanks. Krynitsa and in unregulated flow areas within the city of Minsk. The latter can be explained by the difference in the rate of self-purification of water in regulated and unregulated areas with a set volume of inflow. In the sections along the Slepyanka water system, there is a regular increase in the indicators of the quantitative development of phytoplankton in the direction from the upper to the lower, which can be explained by the effect of accumulation, with their insignificant difference in terms of the hydrological regime. The hypothesis about the negative impact of potentially toxic cyanobacteria was not confirmed, since the latter were detected both in the areas of occurrence, where the death of fish was previously recorded, and in those areas where such was not noted.
About the Authors
V. G. KostousovBelarus
Kostousov Vladimir Gennadevich — Ph.D. of Biological Sciences, associate professor, deputy director of science.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
T. I. Popinachenko
Popinachenko Taisia Ivanovna — researcher, laboratory of fish farming and fisheries in natural waters.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
V. D. Sennikova
Sennikova Violetta Dmitrievna — Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Pond and Industrial Fish Farming.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
O. D. Apsolikhova
Apsolikhova Olga Dmitrievna — Ph.D. of Biological Sciences. leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Fish Farming and Fisheries in Natural.
220024, Minsk, st. Stebenev, 22
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For citations:
Kostousov V.G., Popinachenko T.I., Sennikova V.D., Apsolikhova O.D. Phytoplankton of recreation and urban water waters in Minsk. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2022;(37):201-214. (In Russ.)