Research of technological properties of legumes as raw material for production of mixed fodders for fish
The comparative characteristic of filmy and bare oats is given. As a result of the research, the possibility of using the studied oats in the production of animal feed for fish was established. When feeding carp, preference is given to animal feed with the addition of membranous oats.
About the Authors
L. RukshanBelarus
3 Shmidta ave., 212027 Mogilev.
Z. Koshak
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk.
D. Dolgaja
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk.
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For citations:
Rukshan L., Koshak Z., Dolgaja D. Research of technological properties of legumes as raw material for production of mixed fodders for fish. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2018;(34):193-202. (In Russ.)