Fish-biological rationale for the use of low-intensity optical radiation in the technology of growing the stocking material of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Salmonidae) in aquaculture
It was established for the first time that the stimulating effect of low-intensity optical radiation on aquaculture objects (rainbow trout) depends on the multiplicity of the effect and the temperature regime at which the embryos are exposed and incubated. It is proved that the biological effect on embryos and larvae of rainbow trout can be provided by polarized radiation from both a semiconductor laser and the polarized radiation from an LED source whose coherence degree is almost 10 times smaller. New parameters for the regulation of fish-biological parameters of the rainbow trout stocking material based on daily exposure to low-intensity optical radiation (red spectral range λ = 630 nm, coherence length Lco ~ 26 μm) on fish embryos at the ocellus stage with daily exposure for 20 minutes for 5 days, at a power density of optical radiation of 3.0 mW/cm2, at an incubation temperature of 8 °C.
About the Authors
M. S. LimanBelarus
5 Michurina Str. 5, 213407, Gorki, Mogilev region; Abuja, Nigeria.
N. V. Barulin
5 Michurina Str. 5, 213407, Gorki, Mogilev region.
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For citations:
Liman M.S., Barulin N.V. Fish-biological rationale for the use of low-intensity optical radiation in the technology of growing the stocking material of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Salmonidae) in aquaculture. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2018;(34):244-248. (In Russ.)