Assessment of hematological indices of fish – main objects of aquaculture of Belarus using Diplocide by different methods in laboratory setting
The results of the main hematological indices for the study of the physiological state of fish – the main objects of aquaculture in Belarus with Diplocid in laboratory setting have been presented. The medicineswere used in various ways – the method of group feeding, the method of therapeutic baths, the method of processing fish in ponds. The main blood indices – hemoglobin, number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hematocrit, total serum protein were studied.
About the Authors
A. BiaspalyBelarus
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk.
S. Degtjaryk
22, Stebeneva Str., 220024, Minsk.
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For citations:
Biaspaly A., Degtjaryk S. Assessment of hematological indices of fish – main objects of aquaculture of Belarus using Diplocide by different methods in laboratory setting. Belarus Fish Industry Problems. 2018;(34):289-300. (In Russ.)