
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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No 28 (2012)
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8-21 122

The article contains the results of wintering of complex cross-breeding yearlings and purebred forms of mirror carp. The most stable combinations of cross-breeding that serve as the basic material for the selection of the Belorussian mirror carp breeds were revealed in the process of comparison of hybrid carp fishery characteristics. The correlation relationship between the major fisheries indicators was determined.

22-29 110

The article contains the results of breeding underyearlings of Cherepetsky mirror carp imported to Belarus. As a result of underyearlings growth within the six-fold repetition, the optimum stock density of 1 specimen per hectare of the nursery area was determined. The correlation relationship between the major fisheries indicators was determined.


30-41 108

The article contains new data on gonad development ultrasound examination results and diagnosis of certain internal organs in the broodstock and farmed sturgeon fish breeders in the closed water supply systems in Belarus. The subject of research are the Lena sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon, and some hybrids. The article also contains echograms of testes and ovaries longitudinal sections, as well as their detailed description. The echographic structure of the liver parenchyma and the gall bladder was studied.

42-49 183

The article contains data on the low intensity optical radiation effect of red (0.63 nm)  and infrared (0.8 - 1.34 nm) spectral regions for the Artemia Salina L. development. The regulatory effect of the near infrared region laser irradiation located outside the electronic absorption bands of biological macromolecules, dyes and endogenous photosensitizers was discovered for the first time with respect to zooplankton. This effect is explained by direct excitation of singlet oxygen and its subsequent effect as a signal (trigger) molecule on the physiological processes in vivo.

50-58 126

The article contains the results of nursery ponds zooplankton studies in growing large carp breeding material.

59-66 105

The article contains agrochemical characteristics of the most common soils (muddy peat, sand) of fishponds of individual Belarusian farms. The reserves of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic substances in the soil were calculated, which shall allow for a differentiated approach to their desorption for the rational use of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers.

67-75 153

The article contains process parameters for obtaining large carp underyearlings with the weight of 50–80 g in the conditions of the second fishery zone of Belarus were refined.

76-81 118

The article contains the results of growing carp underyearlings with a low stock density. The studies revealed that grown underyearlings were sufficiently provided with natural food and feed; this is reflected in their growth rate and the final average specimen weight. The obtained breeding material was large-sized, with the average weight exceeding 40 g.

82-87 100

The article contains the results of growing large carp breeding material. It is determined that the use of different quality feeds for feeding allows for easier growing potency implementation, obtaining larger underyearlings in terms of weight, with lower feed costs as compared with intensive growing methods.

88-105 172

The article contains guidelines on the ways of breeding and growing European Catfish, outlined based on the results of ten years of studies (2001–2010) in pond farms in Belarus.

106-122 225

The research results determined that the abiotic and biotic factors in fish ponds in Belarus are favorable for growing uneven-aged paddle-fish. The average biomass of dominant green algae and zooplankton of 10–40 g/m3 per season provide high weight gain.

The greatest increase in body weight (2.0 and 1.61 kg, respectively) of six-and eight-year paddle-fish specimen was observed at the 2 specimen per Ha stock density. The eight-year average specimen body weight reaches 9.8 kg, the absolute growth reaches 1.2 kg, the relative growth reaches 11.52%; for the Six-Year species it reaches 5.9 kg, 1.4 kg and 31.11%, respectively, at the 10 specimen per Ha average stock density under the Belarus pond farms conditions.

123-132 130

The article contains a study of the results of wintering of six-, seven- and eight-year old paddle-fish specimen in pond fish farms of Belarus. It is determined that wintering can be carried out in usual wintering ponds in monoculture or polyculture with other pond fish species (except the large predatory species). The optimal wintering conditions were determined.

133-141 98

Hematological parameters of Lena sturgeon grown under the conditions of the Novolukoml Fish Farm warm-site in the Vitebsk Region and the Selets Research Fish Farm in    the Brest Region were studied at different stages of maturity. It was determined that the readiness of females for spawning is consistent with the hemoglobin and erythrocytes content, the females spawn at the fourth gonad maturity stage with the hemoglobin concentration of 100–148 g/l and high erythrocytes content — 0.88 million/microliter on average.

142-152 126

The paper contains viability assessment research data of young sturgeon grown in a closed water system. The studies revealed that young sturgeon grown in closed water supply conditions is characterized by higher viability values to extreme factors of the water environment, such as the lack of oxygen, high water temperatures and prolonged lack of food, compared with the young specimen grown at natural temperature and water conditions. However, the young specimen grown in the closed water supply conditions have violations observed in behavioral and adaptive tests, suggesting the inferiority of the grown young species in respect to the normal functioning of all regulation system components.

153-160 168

Hematological parameters of the Lena sturgeon MALES AND FEMALES grown under the conditions of the Novolukoml Fish Farm warm-site in the Vitebsk Region and the Selets Research Fish Farm in the Brest Region were studied. The studies indicate that there is a pronounced sexual dimorphism in some hematological characteristics, such as hemoglobin and erythrocytes content. Higher values of these parameters were found in the blood of males compared with females.

161-166 119

This article examines the hematological characteristics of the older age paddlefish grown in three fish farms in Belarus — OAO OP Selets, SPU Izobelino and HRU Vileika. It was determined that the paddle-fish leukogram has a pronounced lymphoid character. Older age paddle-fish specimen have high body hemoglobin saturation, which is a particular form of adaptation to growing conditions enhancing the endurance of this pelagic fish type.


167-179 128

The phytoplankton structure of the Vilejka fish farm ponds and watercourses which are its water sources and water intakes — the Vilia and the Smerdia rivers was studied. It was determined that the phytoplankton development level in the large Vilia River is comparable to the development level in fish farm ponds exposed to targeted trophic increase. The fundamental difference in the taxonomic phytoplankton structure between all studied ecosystems was noted. A significant impact of the farm on the small Smerdia river phytoplankton in some years during the water discharge from the pond was determined. The fundamental difference in the taxonomic phytoplankton structure    in the Vilia River and Smerdia River evidences the fact that phytoplankton of the Smerdia River, which is the Vilia River tributary, has virtually no effect on the phytoplankton formation directly in Vilia. When injected into the flow, tributary phytoplankton specimen are replaced by the well-formed algoflora of the Vilia River watercourse.

180-190 168

This article contains the characteristics floodplain ponds fish fauna in the  middle reaches of Amur on the example of Zabelovskoe Lake. The species composition of the ichthyologic community of floodplain channels and floodplain lakes in different seasons of the year was determined, the background and the dominant species were identified and the spawning and feeding features of the market fish species were examined. The ichthyologic community ecological status of the middle Amur riparian habitats was evaluated.

191-201 145

This article examines the higher aquatic vegetation richness and frequency of species occurrence in the 20 ponds of the Vileika Fish Farm. 41 species of macrophytes were discovered in the studied ponds, two types of which — pure white lily and creeping buttercup — are in need   of preventive protection. The distribution of macrophytes in ponds for environmental groups was studied. Macrophytes database with photos was created.

202-211 135

The common row of heavy metals concentrations decrease in silver crucian muscle tissue caught in the two reservoirs located in the upper and lower portions of the Svisloch river (Minsk city), and in one of the tanks is the same. The muscle tissues of silver crucian from the lower reservoir is contaminated by chemical elements to a greater degree than in the upper reservoir.

212-221 116

This article reviews the problems of fish productivity formation in lakes, depending on the food supply level and efficient nutritive resources utilization by the fish.

222-232 91

Some features of the biomass dynamics and zooplankton communities spatial structuring of two small eutrophic lakes are examined in this article.

233-240 107

There is a clear imbalance between the silver crucian stocking volumes and its fishing seizures in natural water bodies of Belarus. More than a third (33.9%) of the total commercial catch of these species are attributed to the water body of Lake Chervonoye (Gomel Region), the stocking volume of which is only about 5%.

241-251 151

The article contains the results of parasitological analysis of 19 Braslav Lakes National Park fish ponds. The infestation level by parasites in all surveyed reservoirs for each fish species was determined, the domination structure of various kinds of worms in fish living in Braslav lakes was determined.

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ISSN 2218-7456 (Print)