There are presented the research results of genotype frequency by transferrin locus for carps pertaining to various breeds of belorussian and foreign selection and Amur common carp of Khanka population entered the collection genetic pool of the Republic of Belarus. There is assessed the genetic frequency of brood stock.
There are presented the results of comparison assessment of fishery parameters of Cherepets carp with carps of belorussian selection and collection imported breeds grown under the similar conditions. Test results in conditions of pond fish farms of the frame carp in pond fish farms of Belarus.
There is presented the comprehensive assessment of fish breeding and biological parameters of underyearlings and yearlings for 24 options of complex interbreed crosses. At a consequence it was ascertained 7 crossing combinations having good potential for further selection efforts.
There was ascertained high variability by parameters of effective and relative fecundity of carp females pertaining to various breeds. For the purpose of obtaining breed replacement there were selected the females featuring the enhanced fecundity parameters. The females of the imported breeds of the third generation grown in Belarus are inferior to the breeds of belorussian selection.
There is presented comparison characteristic of biochemical composition of rainbow trout underyearling body grown from genetic material of various origin but simultaneously imported.
The paper depicts the current status of compound feedstuff production for fresh water fishes and development prospects. From 2011 to 2015 there were observed the decrease of compound feedstuff production for the fishes for 51% due to economic situation in the country. The compound feedstuffs need optimization both by price and quality using new efficient kinds of primary products and modern industrial technology.
In the article are presented the results of the application of the diet of carp fingerlings of high amounts of lipids. Enrichment of a diet of fingerlings of a carp lipids promotes increase in his resilience when passing a hibernation. It is established that enrichment of a diet lipids promotes digestion of nutrients of a forage and improvement of all exchange processes that is reflected in increase in growth rate of fingerlings, their survival, productivity and promotes increase in his resilience when passing a wintering. It is established that escaping of a hibernation in experienced group is higher, than in control group for 7,2% and above the standard for 1,8%. Decrease in the functional condition of humoral and antiinvasive immunity is not noted.
There were developed one time norms of introducing 3 components fertilizers (N:P:K) into the ponds for promoting photosynthesis and development of primary link at growing fish polyculture. It is shown that 4 times application of 3 components fertilizers results in increase of total and natural fish capacity at reduction of consumption feed stuffs and mineral fertilizers.
There were developed one time norms of introducing 3 components fertilizers (N:P:K) into the ponds for promoting photosynthesis and development of primary link at growing fish polyculture. It is shown that 4 times application of 3 components fertilizers results in increase of total and natural fish capacity at reduction of consumption feed stuffs and mineral fertilizers.
On the basis of long-term basic and applied research on the effect of low-intensity optical radiation on biological and economically parameters of sturgeon and salmon aquaculture created series laser-optical devices based on semiconductor lasers and LEDs, allowing for the impact of low-intensity radiation on larvae in conditions of fish farms. It is shown that the use of the laser-optical devices allows increasing the efficiency of artificial reproduction and cultivation of fish species by increasing the survival rate of embryos and larvae, stimulate size and weight parameters of juvenile fish.
Depletion of natural resources sturgeon dictate the need for active development of sturgeon, has two areas: artificial reproduction and commodity sturgeon. The issues of the current state and prospects of development of aquaculture of sturgeon in the south of Russia. Early formation of the productive herds of sturgeon fishes in a controlled environment allows sturgeon hatcheries for artificial reproduction successfully carry out its activities on the restoration of natural resources. The active development of commercial sturgeon breeding contributes to the saturation of the consumer valuable delicatessen products market.
The questions of increase of efficiency of natural and artificial reproduction of sturgeon. It was found that the natural reproduction of sturgeon in the Volga River in present-day conditions is reduced to zero, due to unfavorable hydrological regime and reducing the number of producers in the spawning grounds. To improve the efficiency of artificial reproduction technology is necessary to improve the cultivation of fish and productional form herds of sturgeon fishes in a controlled environment. To save and restore the number of sturgeon populations is necessary to create conditions for natural spawning and improve artificial reproduction
This article focuses on the results of researches, which have been directed on the optimization of elements of technology of Russian sturgeon fingerlings’ feeding in conditions of growing in the pools up to the vital stages. The analysis has shown, that finishing of the relative volume of a daily ration at feeding an experimental material up to 40 % from weight of a is positively reflected on the rate of growth, the survival rate and the efficiency of use of forages.
The article cites the comparison characteristics of the blood observed with different sized Lena sturgeon yearlings. It is ascertained that the blood of larger Lena sturgeon yearlings is marked by higher hematoglobulin, erythrocytes and lymphocytes which is the evidence of their better adaptation to the environment and contributes to their considerable sustainability. Lena sturgeon yealings of smaller size are marked by the enhanced monocyte content.
There is reviewed the cumulative effect of fish breeding activities on habitat and status of fish fauna of the system incorporating two lakes and outflowing section of the river. There are studied the impact produced by stocking with herbivorous and predatory fishes. It is demonstrated that the influence produced by white amur at the primary link has stimulated some developments and movements in ecosystem in general, including formation of new conditions for fish feeding. The above said as well as stocking with some additional quantity of spike has resulted in some changes in trophic and fishery status of water reservoirs. The volumes of commercial fish stocks in the lakes have decreased although their quality has increased.
Using the example of hypothetic lake there are reviewed the theoretical options of fishery regulations for various industrial fishery intensity. It is demonstrated that in the preset coordinate system there exists some point of fishing load optimization which gives the possibility to identify the efficiency of using industrial fishing water reservoir in terms of correlation between catch and costs and expenses incurred.
There is studied the distribution and share of Ponto-Caspian autoinvaders in test catches of juvenile fishes in shallow water coasts within belorussian section of central invasion corridor the Pripiat river-the Pina river-the Dnieper-Bug Channel-the Mukhavetz river).
During 2015’ vegetation season there was assessed seston and chlorophyll content in 10 ponds of fish breeding farm ”Vileiyka”. There was compared the seasonal dynamics of the parameters investigated, calculated chlorophyll specific content in seston and share of pheopigments in the aggregated forbin. There was discovered the linear dependence of fish productivity upon medium seasonal seston content in the water of the ponds explored.
The paper presents the results of studying the structure of fish fauna in the lakes and other stagnant water bodies within the Amur river basin in the territory Jewish Autonomous region. The present paper covers five main types of lakes found in the region with ichthyocenosis typical for them.
There were analyzed the parameters of hydrological conditions in the Volga Delta through the example of western part of the Astrakhanski National Park during high (1993-1995) and low water (2010-2012) periods. It is ascertained that the dates of flooding the flood plain water bodies constituting the main spawning grounds depend not only upon volumes, dates and duration of spring fishery water passing from the spillover of Volgograd Hydro Power Plant, but also in large measure are determined by low water level in the river arms. It is proved that the hydrological conditions in the Volga Delta during the years under study was not favorable for spawning of freshwater fishes both in low-water and high water years.
There is available the experimental data on the impact produced by the extracts of some higher plants on livability of the excitants of fish bacterial diseases (bacteria рр. Aeromonas and Pseudomonas), studied in vitro and in vivo.
The results of the comparative assessment of bacteriological flora of rainbow trout farmed in the fish farms of Belarus and Armenia. The species composition of the bacterial pathogens infections rainbow trout and their pathogenicity were determinate. There was a positive correlation between the water content of opportunistic bacteria and frequency of fish diseases.
There are selected the strains of Bacillus bacteria with high antagonistic activity in relation to fish pathogens. On their basis there was generated a probiotic preparation, developed the technological process of its production and application for prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases of cyprinoid fishes.