
Belarus Fish Industry Problems

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No 37 (2022)
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8-33 450

In modern conditions, when the state of biological resources of sturgeon fish in the caspian basin has reached a critical level, the preservation and restoration of their stocks is possible only through artificial reproduction. currently, for the effective operation of sturgeon fish hatcheries (ARI) artificial reproduction, it is necessary to provide fish breeding processes with producers in the required quantity and appropriate quality, therefore, the most important task is the effective formation and rational operation of productive herds. In recent years, producers of artificial and natural generation from productive herds have been used at the ARI in the Astrakhan region, the offspring obtained from them differ in fish-breeding indicators. Studies of the reproductive function of female beluga and Russian sturgeon, domesticated and raised to maturity in pond conditions, were carried out. The obtained results of fish-breeding and biological indicators indicate that the reproductive function of female beluga and Russian sturgeon, matured in artificial conditions, slightly differ from fish of natural origin. The main fish-breeding indicators: the mass of females, the timing of puberty, absolute fertility, the percentage of fertilization, basically correspond to the values of fish of natural generation. Comparative analysis of fish-breeding indicators: the yield of caviar and relative fertility in beluga females of artificial and natural origin did not have much difference, while the females of Russian sturgeon, matured in repair-brood herds, gave caviar of better quality according to these indicators than domesticated individuals adapted to pond conditions.

34-50 218

Studies of the biochemical body composition were carried out in underyearlings and yearlings of the fifth generation, adapted to the conditions of the second fish breeding zone of imported carp breeds of foreign selection, lines of Belarusian selection (tenth generation), grown simultaneously in ponds with similar hydrochemical conditions with the same feeding regime and sanitary and preventive measures.

As a result of the study, a tendency to an increase in the content of dry matter (22.89 versus 21.81 %), fat (5.24 versus 4.48 %) and protein (15.18 versus 14.88 %) in collection lines of carp of Belarusian selection was established (Isobelinsky) in comparison with foreign breeds (German and Sarboyansky), grown simultaneously in the same conditions. In yearlings of collection lines of Belarusian selection, there is also a tendency to an increase in the content of dry matter (22.46 versus 18.66 %), fat (3.54 versus 2.68 %) and protein (14.89 versus 13.34 %), a decrease in moisture content (77.54 versus 81.64%) compared with overwintered collection breeds of foreign selection.

In all collection groups of carp of Belarusian and foreign selection, after wintering, a decrease in the content of dry matter, fat, protein and an increase in the content of moisture and mineral substances in the body of yearlings was observed in comparison with underyearlings. As a result of the study of changes in indicators characterizing the biochemical composition of the body that occurred during the winter period, it was found that the deviations of biochemical indicators, especially the content of dry matter and fat, in breeds of foreign selection are significantly higher than in isobelinsky carp lines (Belarusian selection). The established deviations in most of the comparisons are statistically significant. of all the breed groups considered, the most winterhardy was the Isobelinsky carp cut “three prim”, in which the consumption of nutrients during the wintering was lower than that of the other experimental repair groups.

51-72 201

The article presents data on the biochemical composition (dry matter content), moisture, fat, protein and mineral substances of fingerlings and yearlings of the Amur carp and the average values for the collection carp of Belarusian and foreign breeding. Imported genetic material (milk) was used in the formation of the first and third generations of the ninth generation of the Amur carp collection. In order to minimize the influence of the environment on the results obtained, a comparative assessment of the biochemical parameters of the experimental groups was carried out separately for each of the growing and wintering options. The average dry matter content in the body of fingerlings of the experimental groups of carp was 25.0 (option 1) and 24.89 % (option 2), moisture 75.0 and 74.1 %, fat 6.5 and 5.6 %, minerals 2.8 and 2.6 %, protein 15.7 and 16.6 %. The average dry matter content in the body of carp yearlings was 21.3 (option 1) and 22.3 % (option 2), moisture 78.7.0 and 77.9 %, fat 3.8 and 3.7 %, minerals 3.0 and 2.9 %, protein 14.5 and 15.4 %. During wintering, there was a decrease in the content of dry matter, fat and protein in the body of fish and an increase in the content of moisture and minerals (ash). In general, Amur carp fingerlings have a tendency to increase the content of dry matter, fat, protein and minerals compared to carp of different origin.


74-94 240

One of the main sources of food for humans is aquatic biological resources. The reduction of their stocks against the background of growing demand makes artificial fish farming a strategically important area of the agro industrial complex. Therefore, the creation of a sustainable forage base is an important task facing domestic producers. The selection and introduction of new raw materials into compound feed, which are not inferior to traditional raw materials, are becoming one of the main promising directions for the development of the country’s feed industry. In RUE “Institute of Fisheries” are investigating new types of non-traditional raw materials, the introduction of which contributes to increasing the nutritional value of feed and reducing their cost.

95-114 221

Pike as an object of pond aquaculture differs in a number of characteristics that distinguish it from other, more widespread objects - carp, herbivorous fish. The consistently high demand for marketable products, high dietary qualities of meat and, along with this, the ability to increase production efficiency due to biological reclamation — the transformation of the substance of low-productive trash fish, which creates conditions for food competition in polyculture conditions, makes pike a desirable object in pond aquaculture. At the same time, a number of existing problems limit the volume of commercial products produceD. This includes, first of all, the low survival rate of juveniles due to cannibalism caused by a shortage of available forage resources at certain stages of juvenile rearing, and other objective factors, and therefore the exploitation of broodstock is often ineffective. Based on these prerequisites, the Institute has planned and is currently implementing a study aimed at increasing production indicators for pike to 25—30 kg/ha during the cultivation of this object in polyculture with carp fish. Such indicators are provided by a number of measures, in particular, rearing pike larvae in various conditions, including using concentrated feed, creating a safe habitat for juvenile pike at the initial stages of its rearing in ponds, and carrying out a number of reclamation measures. At the moment, the project is at the stage of production testing of the draft technological regulations, the development of which required the study of hydrochemical and hydrobiological regimes in ponds, nutritional characteristics, growth rate and physiological state of certain species using reclamation techniques optimized for the pike growing process, species and quantitative composition of polyculture.

115-126 198

Methods of low-cost production of fish have been studied, including the use of a complex of food production waste (alcohol bard, beer shot, residual brewer’s yeast) together with a limited dose of mineral fertilizers and combined feeding of fish with compound feed, grain and grain waste, allowing, without reducing the production of fish products, to reduce its cost, make it competitive both on the domestic and foreign market. Hydrochemical mearing in investigated variants when using the methods of low-cost production of marketable fish did not exceed critical indications. The combined application of organic fertilizers in the form of alcohol stillage and beer grains together and a limited dose of mineral fertilizers ensured the formation of the largest biomass of phytoplankton, 1,5 times higher than that in comparison with the option with the introduction of only mineral fertilizers. The use of food industry waste products led to the dominance of green algae (57–77 %), rotifers (57,5 %) and copepod on young stage of development (47,1 %). Among the macrozoobenthos in these variants, representatives of chironomids dominated. The use of cheap means of intensification of the natural fodder base and feed in the form of grain and grain waste contributed to the receipt of fish products in control ponds 715,9–807,3 kg/ha, where expensive fertilizers and compound feed are used.

127-145 295

The article presents the results of a complex of scientific research on the study of physical and chemical properties, chemical composition, organic and mineral parts of solid residues formed during the production of liquid humic preparations based on peat at industrial plants. It is shown that with these by-products from 25 to 35 % of the original peat raw material is lost. Revealed the presence in their composition of a significant amount of activated humic acids and other biologically active compounds of organic and mineral nature, which have a positive effect on the growth and development of living organisms. This was the basis for their study as humate-containing additives in pond fish farming, as a means of expanding the natural food base of fish. With positive results, these humate-containing residues were tested in experimental feeding and nursery ponds. A method for their application has been developed, which ensures an increase in the fish productivity of ponds and a significant saving of fodder and fertilizers. The technical documentation for their receipt and application has been developed, which allows them to be effectively used in pond fish farming.

146-156 199

Pike as an object of pond aquaculture differs in a number of characteristics that distinguish it from other, more widespread objects — carp, herbivorous fish. The consistently high demand for marketable products, high dietary qualities of meat and, along with this, the ability to increase production efficiency due to biological reclamation - the transformation of the substance of low-productive trash fish, which creates conditions for food competition in polyculture conditions, makes pike a desirable object in pond aquaculture. At the same time, a number of existing problems limit the volume of commercial products produced. This includes, first of all, the low survival rate of juveniles due to cannibalism caused by a shortage of available forage resources at certain stages of juvenile rearing, and other objective factors, and therefore the exploitation of broodstock is often ineffective. Based on these prerequisites, the Institute has planned and is currently implementing a study aimed at increasing production indicators for pike to 25–30 kg / ha during the cultivation of this object in polyculture with carp fish. Such indicators are provided by a number of measures, in particular, rearing pike larvae in various conditions, including using concentrated feed, creating a safe habitat for juvenile pike at the initial stages of its rearing in ponds, and carrying out a number of reclamation measures. At the moment, the project is at the stage of production testing of the draft technological regulations, the development of which required the study of hydrochemical and hydrobiological regimes in ponds, nutritional characteristics, growth rate and physiological state of certain species using reclamation techniques optimized for the pike growing process, species and quantitative composition of polyculture.


158-177 267

This article presents the characteristics of the properties of plants essential oils, which show the possibility of their use for greening the technology of growing aquaculture objects. It is shown that the qualitative and quantitative composition of essential oils of a fairly large number of representatives of family Labiаtae, fam. Amaryllidaceae and fam. Compositae, whichare grow or are cultivated on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, allow us to consider them as a promising potential source of environmentally friendly substances for the creation of preparations intended for the needs of the fish farming industry of the country. Based on our own data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of essential oils and literature data on their bactericidal activity, a number of the most promising plants in this regard were selected. Based on information about the synergism and antagonism of the components of essential oils, a number of compositions have been created to study the antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Aeromonas and Proteus, which are opportunistic for fish.

178-200 249

On the example of four lakes of the Braslav Lakes National Park, the dynamics of the commercial fish catch, including large ichthyophages — pike and pike perch for the period from the moment of the formation of the park to the present is considered. It was found that during the specified period the resources of pike and pike perch, which by the time the park was created, tended to decrease in almost all water bodies, in subsequent years stabilized and slightly increased. The populations of pike and pike perch are characterized by medium or low abundance, a fairly high growth rate, and within the analyzed group of lakes, a relatively small fluctuation in the growth rate. It was found that the resources of pike are exploited more intensively, which does not give the possibility of their significant increase. The main reason is the selective impact of recreational fishing. The resources of pike perch are in a satisfactory condition and correspond to the production capabilities of the reservoirs. The effectiveness of the fish-breeding activities in terms of the growth of the stocks of the analyzed fish species is discussed. It is assumed that stocking is most effective in order to increase the resources of pike, while technical reclamation is most effective in order to increase the resources of both pike and pike perch.

201-214 217

The composition and quantitative development of phytoplankton in the system of urban and recreational water bodies in Minsk is considered. It was found that the species diversity is represented by 45 taxa of algae belonging to 6 divisions. The most abundant are diatoms, green and blue-green algae, others are noted by 1–3 taxa. The biodiversity of forms in individual observation sections ranged from 5 to 18 species and was determined by hydrological and hydrochemical conditions. The smallest variety of forms was characteristic of intensively «blooming» reservoirs, which indicates that «blooming» is caused by a small number of certain species during the periods of their mass development. In the dynamics of the quantitative development of phytoplankton along the analyzed sections of water bodies of the R. Svisloch maximum indicators are set for the second in the row of water tanks. Krynitsa and in unregulated flow areas within the city of Minsk. The latter can be explained by the difference in the rate of self-purification of water in regulated and unregulated areas with a set volume of inflow. In the sections along the Slepyanka water system, there is a regular increase in the indicators of the quantitative development of phytoplankton in the direction from the upper to the lower, which can be explained by the effect of accumulation, with their insignificant difference in terms of the hydrological regime. The hypothesis about the negative impact of potentially toxic cyanobacteria was not confirmed, since the latter were detected both in the areas of occurrence, where the death of fish was previously recorded, and in those areas where such was not noted.

215-228 522

The Chervonoe lake situated in Zhitkovichi district of Gomel region is the crucial water object in the goldfish (C. auratus s. lato) acclimation history in Belarus. The lake with the Beloe and Krasnaya Zorka fisheries located nearby was one of the goldfish distribution centers since 1948. Initially the goldfish population in the lake was represented by the unisexual gynogenetic form. Our study shows that the reproductive biology of this population changed drastically and nowadays the Chervonoe lake goldfish is represented by diploid bisexual amphimyctic form (observed sex ratio was 1♀:1,14♂). The meristic traits’ values observed are typical for the C. auratus s. lato complex fishes, with the highest similarity shown with C. gibelio. The karyotype of the all specimens studied (n=12) contained 100 chromosomes that is typical for the diploid forms of goldfish. We claim the two main reasons caused the changes in the Chervovoe lake goldfish population reproductive biology. The first one is the lack of potential sperm donors required for the unisexual reproduction caused by the extinction in the lake of a number of Cyprinidae species able to inseminate the gynogenetic goldfish eggs (crucian carp, common carp, tench, bream, ide and rudd) by 1966 due to water level lowering, reproduction conditions degradation, winter fish-kills increase and sharp reduction of the forage base. The second reason are the regular winter fish-kills in the lake (approximately 1 time in 10 years) that provide the bisexual amphimyctic population sustainability due to presence of males providing genetic exchange within the population. In contrast, the meristic traits of the population weren’t changed since 1950s1960s. The most likely genetic base of the reproductive strategy change was the gradual increase of diploid specimens share throughout the process of natural selection with the inherent morphology wasn’t affected.

229-248 373

The article is devoted to review the aquaponic technology of growing fish and agricultural crops. This technology allows to achieve a significant intensification of production in comparison with recirculation systems and hydroponic plant cultivation. The use of aquaponic technologies as an effective, ecological, biosafety method for growing fish and plants is considered in this article. The principles of operation, technological designs of aquaponic installations, types of fish and plants are discussed. The efficiency and disadvantages of aquaponic systems are shown on the example of existing aquaponic farms. The scale of application of this technology in the world is considered, as well as the possibilities and prospects of their application in Belarus.

249-264 228

The article is devoted to study, how does the using of various intensification measures in the fish cultivation influence of on the development of the fodder base of ponds. The zooplankton and zoobenthos species diversity, abundance, biomass and production of in the season were studied, the dominant species, composition of these communities was detected. 4 variants of the experiment to bring in different organic, mineral fertilizers and feed to the experimental ponds were put. As a result, it was found that among the applied methods the most effective and inexpensive for the development of the trophic base of fish ponds was the introduction of complex of organic fertilizers into them — brewer’s grains and residual brewer’s yeast at the rate of 1000 and 50 kg/ha with a limited dose of mineral fertilizers.


266-277 226

Scientific developments are actively used to improve the efficiency of the fishing industry. One of the new directions in breeding and breeding is the assessment of the quality of fish stocks by biochemical blood tests of fish. Blood as the internal environment of the body reflects any changes in the state of health, since it is in it that many metabolic reactions take place. Thus, studies of the blood composition of fish are in great demand in fish farming. Much attention is paid to the study of the concentration of biochemical substances in the blood of fish, as this allows you to quickly and accurately assess the quality of the fish stock. Fish are poikilothermic, therefore their physiological state depends on the environment. Investigations of the biochemical composition of fish blood were carried out in the selection and breeding fish farm “Isobelino” and in the laboratory of the institute. As a result of annual studies, it was found that the concentration of blood components in different fish species is different. This fact can explain the difference in the survival rate of different breeds, which were kept in the same conditions. As a result of comparing the content of total protein, cholesterol and glucose in the blood serum of underyearlings and yearlings of collection carp breeds of Belarusian and foreign selection grown under the same conditions, changes in physiological and biochemical parameters were established. The results of the study revealed the advantages of layering a mixture of Mirror Isobelinsky carp among Belarusian lines and Sarboyan carp among imported breeds.

278-294 219

The article provides data on the species composition of helminthes and their prevalence of infection in common carp (Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) in fish farms and natural reservoirs on the territory of Belarus. The helminth fauna of introduced fish Cyprinus carpio is represented by 20 species: 7 species of monogeneans (Dactylogyrus anchoratus (Dujardin, 1845), Dactylogyrus extensus (Mueller et Van Cleave, 1932), Dactylogyrus vastator (Nybelin, 1924), Gyrodactylus elegans (Nordmann, 1832), Gyrodactylus medius (Kathariner, 1893), Diplozoon paradoxum (Nordmann, 1832), Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Goto, 1891)), 4 species of cestodes (Caryophyllaeus fimbriceps (Annenkova–Khlopina, 1919), Khawia sinensis (Hsu, 1935), Neogryporhynchus cheilancristrotus (Wedl, 1855), Schyzocotyle acheilognathi (Yamaguti, 1934)), 7 species of trematodes (Bucephalus polymorphus (Baer, 1827), Paracoenogonimus ovatus (Katsurada, 1914), Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Nordmann, 1832), Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819), Tylodelphys clavata (Nordmann, 1832), Ichthyocotylurus pileatus (Rudolphi, 1802), Sanguinicola inermis (Plehn, 1905)), by ones of nematodes (Philometroides cyprini (Ishii, 1931) and acanthocephalus (Acanthocephalus anguillae (Mьller, 1780). The data on the first registration of common carp parasitic worms in fish farms and natural reservoirs are presented. During the parasitological examinations of the common carp from 5 fish farms in Belarus we have been established its helminthes species composition and their prevalence of infection. In Belarus the fauna of alien helminths species of common carp is represented by 4 species (K. sinensis, S. acheilognathi, P. cyprini, C. fimbriceps).

295-304 244

The article presents the results of a study of the antiparasitic effect of the complex anthelmintic drug «Prazifen», which contains an immunostimulating component to include prazifene in the method of increasing the resistance and health of fish from helminthes. It has been obtained that the use of prazifene leads to an increase in the indices of nonspecific resistance in fish. Shown is the level of cortisol in the blood serum of fish during the use of prazifen. The research results indicate the positive effect of the anthelmintic on the resistance of the fish organism. The method of increasing the resistance and healing of fish from helminthes using prazifen with food activates the systems responsible for the stability of the fish organism.

305-324 217

The article presents the results of studying the effect of essential oils and compositions of essential oils from plants of the family Labiatae, Amaryllidaceae and Compositae, growing or cultivated in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, on the bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila, A. salmonicida, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, which are opportunistic for fish. The rating of essential oils has been compiled according to their bactericidal activity, the most promising of them are marked for further research and the creation of antibacterial drugs, that are intended for the needs of the fish farming industry.

325-340 242

The article discusses enzyme preparations Natuzyme 50, Rovabio Max AP, Rovabio Max Advance P, Rovabio Excel AP, Vilzim, Fekord — 2012 — C 2 group, their digestibility and effectiveness in the composition of compound feed for carp are determined. The best indicators of absolute growth, relative growth and specific growth rate in underyearlings of carp were obtained when feeding with compound feed with the introduction of the Natuzyme 50 enzyme preparation at a dosage of 50 g / t, while the feed ratio decreased by 31.3 % in relation to the control sample. In terms of protein digestibility, the enzyme preparation Natuzyme 50 at a dosage of 50 g/t also showed the best result, it gave results 32.4 % higher than in the control, which led to an increase in protein in carp muscles by 5.2 %.

341-356 310

The article studies the effect of humic substances on metabolic processes in the liver of sturgeon fish. The quality indicators of therapeutic and prophylactic mixed fodders at different dosages of feed additives “Huminobiotic” and “FulvohumateKorm” are determined. It was obtained that the optimal percentage of input of the feed additive “Huminobiotic” is 2.0 %, and “FulvohumateKorm” is 3.0 %. To speed up the processes of liver recovery, the dosage of feed additives can be increased. The glycogen content in the liver when fed with mixed fodders with dosages of “Fulvohumate Feed” 2 % and 3 % decreased by 8.13 % and 7.28 %, respectively, compared with the original values. At dosages from 1 to 3 % of the feed additive “Huminobiotic” in the composition of mixed fodder, the glycogen content in the liver of sturgeon fish after feeding decreased by 7.7 %.

357-369 237

Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food industries in the world today. The share of aquaculture in world fish production is growing every year. Over the past 50 years, the volume of fish farming in the world has increased by more than 50 million tons, while the growth in the volume of world fish catch stopped in the 80s of the last century. Aquaculture is one of the most promising and at the same time underestimated areas of economic activity in the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine, which, with the rational use of water resources, is able to provide consumers with a wide range of fish and fish products in a short time. A certain increase in the production of aquaculture products, especially the cultivation of sturgeon and salmon in Ukraine, is due to the use of imported feed, which has a high cost. However, its further development cannot rely on imported feed products, at the same time, the development of industrial fish farming methods is impossible without full-fledged balanced feeding of cultivated objects. Due to the aquatic environment, the need of fish for energy, nutrients and biologically active substances has its own specificity, in comparison, for example, with warm-blooded agricultural animals: it is the need for a high level of protein, another, a special ratio of protein and total energy, fat and polyunsaturated fatty acids, sensitivity to an excess of carbohydrates. Thus, in natural feed for fish, more than 60 % of the gross energy falls on protein, about 36 % — on fat and only 4 % — on carbohydrates. The development of domestic feed for sturgeon is an important task of the feed industry in Ukraine. The paper investigates the current state of fish farming in the country, the relevance and volume of production of compound feed for sturgeon fish, provides the advantages of growing sturgeon fish in Ukraine, analyzes the needs of sturgeon fish in nutrients, micro- and microelements and vitamins, analyzes the physical properties of compound feed for sturgeon fish recipes, an analysis of existing ones was carried out and a proprietary program for feeding sturgeon fish was developed. The developed sturgeon feeding program allows industrialists of the feed industry in Ukraine to use this information when calculating compound feed for sturgeon and their production.

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